The Insurance Waters

At Lux we are happy to accept most dental insurance plans as an unrestricted provider. As such, we are able to provide the highest quality of care without the confines and restrictions of insurance contracts. Our services will never be limited or directed by your insurance carrier, which means we can give you the treatment and care you truly deserve.

Dental insurance was created in 1954 with an average yearly max of $1000-$1500 per individual. And guess what? The current average yearly maximum payout is still only $1000-$1500. If dental insurance would have kept up with their annual maximums, today they would be paying out approximately $10000 per individual per year. Sadly, they have not, and we don’t see that changing anytime soon.

I try to think of it as more of a rebate these days. I find that less disappointing in the long run.

Regardless, we are here to help!

As a courtesy, we will perform a complimentary benefit check prior to your initial appointment and will also submit claims to your dental insurance company on your behalf. 

For those patients of ours who are uninsured or underinsured, we have created the Lux Membership Plan to assist with your dental care.

The insurance waters aren’t always the easiest to navigate, but rest assured we are here to assist you along the way!

Call to schedule an appointment today!


National Align Your Teeth Day with Invisalign


Lux Special Event